Becoming a host for a Community Resource Center collection drive is a great way to engage friends, family members and colleagues in community service and create an awareness of the high demand for these products.
Here are some examples of where a collection drive can take place:
Offices Yoga Studio Place of worship Birthday party Educational Workshops Holiday party Book club
Meetups Conferences Restaurant Fitness groups Retail store Schools
1. Plan when and where you’ll host the drive. We will ask you for these details when you complete our form. It’s ok if you don’t know the exact date yet… go ahead and get started!
2. Spread the word. We will provide tools including printable flyers and social media images to ensure your success.
3. Offer an incentive. For instance, an employer could offer a dress down day for employees who donate, a retailer could offer a discount on products or services, and for those hosting a social gathering, the host could ask guests to bring donations in lieu of a gifts.
4. Collect donations. If you’re hosting a collection drive at a place of business, we recommend running the collection drive for 2 weeks. We even have large collection bins you can use!
5. Deliver donations to the Community Resource Center. Our office is located in Nashville and is open weekdays from 9am – 5:00pm by appointment only.
Sign up today by completing a short form and we will email you everything you need to host your collection drive!
The Community Resource Center accepts all new full-sized and sample-sized personal hygiene products with a focus on the following: